The Only Shade Solution for Areas with (Tricky) Obstacles

If you own a home or business, it’s likely that you have an area that will benefit from the addition of a shading or cover. Be it to enhance the space (by making a large open area cosier), or for practical reasons like making the space usable during very hot, cold, or rainy weather.

RHIs custom stretch tents is a revolutionary shade solution for areas that are difficult, if not impossible, to cover with conventional options – such as awnings and the like.

Custom stretch tents can be used as a practical (and beautiful) solution to the following problems:

  1. The area that you want to cover needs to be waterproofed where the cover meets the building, but there are recesses in the building face.
  2. The cover needs to accommodate for a naturally occurring obstruction, like a large tree.
  3. The cover needs to accommodate for a man-made structure, like a chimney.
  4. The cover needs to accommodate for existing vegetation that will grow beyond the height of the cover in years to come.

While there will always be limitations to any type of cover, in most cases, we have been able to find a workaround by edging and shaping the membranes of the tent with precision. And when required, including holes and cut outs in the membranes to accommodate various obstacles.

Let’s look at these solutions in action.

1. The area that you want to cover needs to be waterproofed where the cover meets the building, but there are recesses in the building face.

Waterproof shade solution
Image credit: Access & Rigging

2. The cover needs to accommodate for a naturally occurring obstruction, like a large tree.

Shade solution accommodating a tree
Image credit: Slim Shady Cape Town
Shade solution accommodating a large tree
Image credit: Slim Shady Cape Town

3. The cover needs to accommodate for a man-made structure, like a chimney.

Shade solution accommodating a chimney
Image credit: Access & Rigging

4. The cover needs to accommodate for existing vegetation that will grow beyond the height of the cover in years to come.

Shade solution accommodating vegetation
Image credit: Eeziflex and Stretchtek Mauritius
Shade solution accommodating growing vegetation
Image credit: Eeziflex and Stretchtek Mauritius

For more information on how RHI can create a custom shade solution for your home or business, get in touch with our experts.